Games Development: Project 3

14/11/2024 - 16/12/2024
Ng Zheng Kai 0359424
Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Games Development
Project 3



Game Mechanics

The core mechanics of the game is that it allows you to change between 2 forms (fire & water) and corresponding types of platforms will appear depending on your form.

Fig 1.1 Fire (1st image) and water (2nd image) forms

The idea initially seems daunting to me since I have limited knowledge on coding but thanks to the power of AI, I got to make it work pretty fast. the images below is the code that allows the player to switch forms and manages the platforms.

Fig 1.2 Code for switching forms and platforms


Fig 1.3 First Test

Fig 1.4 Prototype

What has been done:
-Player control and animation
-Player health system, health UI and healing items
-Enemy health system and UI
-Form switching and platform changing mechanics

What's next:
-Boss fight
-Block mechanics
-Main menu and game over
-Game over conditions
-Sound effect
-Enemy AI


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