DPI: Project 1

Part 1: Physical Collage


Before creating my physical collage, I've searched up 3 different graphic design works that I like from Pinterest for a reference for my work.


Description : I love this artwork because it captures the busyness and vibes of urban Japan.


Description: I like this artwork because it is colorful and sends an important message about


Description: I like this artwork because this tells a lot about the artist themselves and I think it
is interesting to look at.

Physical collage

The images below are the pre-composition collages that I made.

Collage 1

Collage 2

Collage 3

Collage 4

Collage 5

Collage 6

Collage 7


Collage 8

Collage 9
Final Design
In the end, I chose Collage 5 as my submission.

Final Design

Part 2: Digital Imaging Exercise 1: Me in Hearst Mansion

Step 1:Use Quick Selection tool to subtract background.

SHORTCUT KEYS: Zoom in/out, increase/decrease brush size, subtract from selection/ add to selection.

Step 2: Add and apply layer mask

Step 3: Add noise

Step 4: Apply Gaussian Blur

Step 5: Duplicate Shazam, invert vertically, rename the duplicated layer to "reflection"

Step 6: Darken reflection layer

Step 7: Apply ripple effect to reflection layer.

Step 8: Finished

Own Design

Using the same steps above, I managed to put a picture of myself into Hearst mansion.

Digital Imaging Exercise 2 : recolouring

Photo A (without colour)

Photo B (Hair colour)
Photo C (Skin colour)

Photo D (without colour)

Final Design

Photo A (with colour)

Photo D (with colour)


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