IVN Project 3: Digital Triptych

 Technical Recap

Choose a story from the linked website. Break down the narrative of the chosen story into 3-act structures of Introduction - Climax - Epilogue. Then create 3 panels digital triptych illustrating each of the act. 

Consider the interesting twists in the plots of each act, and include these into the design.

Or you can highlight the notable icons or symbolisms that occur in these acts.

Think of creating a premise preview for the story to make readers intrigued.

The challenges are:

Only one story from this website: https://poestories.com/stories.php
No, you cannot use other story than the ones from the website
Visuals are displayed in a series of three
Include short non-spoiler text for each act


For this assignment, I chose the story "The Masque of the Red Death".

Act 1- Setup
Exposition, Inciting Incident,
Plot Point One
Once upon a time,there lived a prince, called Prince Prospero, in an effort to evade the deadly Red Death plague, invites a thousand wealthy friends to his secluded abbey. He organizes a lavish masquerade ball in the abbey's seven color-coded rooms, where the partygoers indulge in extravagant festivities, seemingly oblivious to the suffering outside. The atmosphere is one of opulence and escape from the harsh realities of the world.

Act 2 - Conflict
Rising Action, Midpoint, Plot
Point Two
As the clock strikes midnight, a mysterious figure dressed in a red, corpse-like costume resembling the Red Death appears among the guests. This intruder spreads fear and unease throughout the party, as it moves from room to room. Prince Prospero and his guests, initially dismissive of the intruder, become increasingly anxious and attempt to confront and unmask the figure. However, their efforts are in vain, and they realize that the figure is, in fact, the embodiment of the Red Death itself.

Act 3 - Resolution
Pre climax, Climax,
The partygoers come to terms with the harsh reality that their attempts to escape death are futile. One by one, they succumb to the disease, with no one left to challenge the Red Death's presence. The story ends with the realization that death is an unavoidable and indiscriminate force, and no amount of wealth, luxury, or seclusion can protect against its inevitable arrival. The allegorical tale serves as a reminder of the transience of life and the ultimate futility of trying to escape death's grip.


First, I made a custom paintbrush in AI to create a frame for my triptych.

Then, I created a clock using shape tools.

And I inputted it into my triptych.
With the clock showing 10:00 in the first part with whitish glow, and 12:00 in the 2nd and 3rd part with the whitish glow becoming red. With each one showing different words: IGNORANCE, PESTILENCE, DEATH.

Afterwards, I added 6 colored shapes in the 1st part to show the different colored rooms, and make it red in the 2nd and 3rd part.

Then, I created my character, skeleton hands and normal hands using tracing from images I found online.

I placed my character in the 2nd and 3rd part each with different color schemes. I added a shadow of the character in the 2nd part, and a red smoke in the 3rd part.

Finally, I added my hands.

Final Design


This was a fun project to do, I get to create and express my take on "The Masque of the Red Death", and I think it is a cool story albeit a little dark and gritty. 


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