Games Development: Final Project
05/01/2025 - 12/01/2025 Ng Zheng Kai 0359424 Bachelor of Design in Creative Media Games Development| Final Project INSTRUCTIONS Progress To start expanding the prototype, I start by implementing music and sound effects for my game, I find my sound effects in royalty free sound from websites like Freesound or Pixabay . Fig 1.1 Sound Effects for my player script I have also added a block mechanic to my player so that the block negates incoming damage. Fig 1.2 Block code Fig 1.3 Functions for taking damage Then, I started working on the enemy script and enemy animations. I added a patrol mechanic for my enemy so that it patrols around certain areas of the map. Fig 1.4 Patrol Point A Fig 1.5 Patrol Point B Fig 1.6 Code for patrolling Then, for the boss room, I added an invisible box as a trigger to activate the boss in following the player, I also changed the background music to boss music when the collider is triggered. Fig 1.7 Invisible Box Collider Location Menu Scene Fig 1.8 Main Menu ...