
Advanced Interactive Design - Final Project

23/06/2024 - 03/08/2024 Ng Zheng Kai 0359424 Bachelor of Design in Creative Media Advanced Interactive Design Final Project INSTRUCTIONS Project 3 - Completed Thematic Website For this project, we are to create a thematic website based on our prototype on project 2. we are to integrate visual asset and refine the prototype into a complete working and functional product experience using Adobe Animate Before starting the project, I watched some helpful tutorials online on how to better utilize Adobe Animate. Fig 1.1 Masking and Adding Buttons in Adobe Animate Fig 1.2 Creating a Simple Website Using Adobe Animate After that, I started to create assets in Adobe Illustrator and import it to the library in Adobe Animate. Fig 1.3 Importing assets into library I then created different animation transitions for each page a

Advanced Interactive Design - Project 2

10/06/2024 - 23/06/2024 Ng Zheng Kai 0359424 Bachelor of Design in Creative Media Advanced Interactive Design Project 2 INSTRUCTIONS Project 2 - Interactive Web Application Pre-production and Prototype For this project, we are to create a prototype for our website. So I started by creating a mood board based on the aesthetic that I want to create. Fig 1.1 Mood Board Then I started to create the user flow of the website by using Figma Fig 1.2 User Flow After that, I start to create my High-Fi wireframes using Adobe Illustrator, and create a prototype using Figma. Fig 1.3 High-Fi wireframe Fig 1.4 Prototype

Application Design 1 - Final Project: High Fidelity Prototype

22/07/2024 - 05/08/2024 Ng Zheng Kai 0359424 Bachelor of Design in Creative Media Application Design 1 Final Project INSTRUCTIONS Final Project For this project, we are to create a high-fi prototype based on the feedback from the lo-fi prototype usability testing. Before starting the project via Figma, I used a website ( ) to choose a suitable colour palette for the prototype. Fig 1.1 Colour Palette After that, I created a duplicate page from the lo-fi page and start to design it. I started to search for images relating to Firefly Airlines to implement on my prototype. Simply pasting an image won't cut it, so I added an inner shadow effect so that it fits better with the overall aesthetic of the app. Fig 1.2 Before inner shadow effect

Application Design 1 - Project 3: Lo-Fi App Design Prototype

01/07/2024 - 02/08/2024 Ng Zheng Kai 0359424 Bachelor of Design in Creative Media Application Design 1 Project 3 INSTRUCTIONS Project 3 In this project, we are to create a low fidelity prototype on the app that we have chosen. The purpose of a lo-fi prototype is to explore and validate ideas, ensuring that it is aligned with user needs and goals.  Exploring Ideas & learning the ropes Fig 1.1 References Prototyping After being familiar with the app, I started by creating a frame based on the dimensions of an iPhone 14 & 15 Pro Max. Fig 1.2 Frame sizes Then, I make sure to apply scroll behavior to pages that need vertical/horizontal scrolling.

Application Design 1 - Project 2: UI/UX Design Document

27/05/2024 - 07/08/2024 Ng Zheng Kai 0359424 Bachelor of Design in Creative Media Application Design 1 Project 2 INSTRUCTIONS PROJECT 2 For Project 2 we are to create a UI/UX document. The document should include: 1 Introduction • Purpose and Scope : Explain the purpose of the document and what it covers. • Target Audience : Identify the intended users of the app. • Problem Statement: Describe the problem the app aims to solve. • Weakness of the apps : User experience and user interface 2 User Research • Survey questionnaire and interview : Provide detail analysis. • User Persona : Include detailed personas representing the target users. • User Journey Map : Provide a map outlining the steps users will take while interacting with the app. • Research Insights : Explain how user research influenced design decisions. 3 Information Architecture • C

Advanced Interactive Design - Project 1

03/05/2024 - 29/05/2024 Ng Zheng Kai 0359424 Bachelor of Design in Creative Media Advanced Interactive Design Project 1 INSTRUCTIONS PROPOSAL

Application Design 1 - Project 1 : Mobile Application Proposal, Class Exercises & Group Activity

22/04/2024 - 19/05/2024 Ng Zheng Kai 0359424 Bachelor of Design in Creative Media Application Design 1 Exercises INSTRUCTIONS EXERCISES Group Activity (Card Sorting Method): Fig 1.1 Card Sorting Activity Fig 1.2 Card Sorting Activity Groupmates Progress proposal slides: Project 1 proposal: REFLECTION For the card sorting activity, it was confusing at first because we unintentionally limited ourselves by creating limited categories, but we finally started to make sense of it by adding more categories and additional features. The activity is beneficial for me to understand the process of card sorting and creating app structures.